Judges are integral to the successful operation of the ASCE Student Symposiums. We invite you to volunteer your time and knowledge to participate as a judge at the 2022 Pacific Northwest ASCE Student Symposium.
One (1) head judge is required for each competition and is responsible for meeting with their respective judge’s panel and ensuring tasks and expectations are understood. Student coordinators will not be involved in any judge’s panel meetings regarding scoring.
Judges will need to be available for the following:
- Training hosted by ASCE (Head Judges Only) | February, 2022 (Date/Time TBD)
- Judges Panel Meetings (To be organized by Head Judge)
- Competition Run-Through | April, 2022 (Date/Time TBD)
At Symposium:
- Captains Meeting | Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 (Evening, Time TBD)
- Competition Day | Thursday, April 28th, 2022
- Race Day | Friday, April 29th, 2022 (Concrete Canoe Judges Only)
- Awards Ceremony (Optional) | Friday, April 29th, 2022 (Evening, Time TBD)
Please review the judge competition duties in the respective competition rules and fill out the Judge Interest form below if you would like to volunteer!