Chapter Registration ($100.00), Individual Registration ($75.00 per person) : February 1, 2022 – March 10, 2022
All registrations must be received by March 10, 2022 to the address below.
Late Individual Registration ($100.00) : After March 10, 2022
Each student symposium attendee (student, faculty advisor, or friends) must register for the event. Please fill out the “Attendee Registration Information” form linked below. Please send in the form along with $100 chapter registration and $75 per person (individual registration) or $100 per person (late individual registration) to:
Nathan Huynh
University of South Carolina
Department of Civil & Environment Engineering
300 Main Street, Room C211
Columbia, SC 29208
**Checks payable to “University of South Carolina ASCE Student Chapter”
Any students, faculty advisor, and friends that arrive at the symposium without registering must pay the late registration fee of $100 per person at check-in.