Hotel Information
Laramie is a small town (approx. 30,000 people) with a number of hotels as shown below. Laramie is small enough that travel by vehicle to and from the Rochelle Gateway Center should not require more than 10 minutes no matter what hotel is chosen. HOWEVER, hotels fill quickly and if they are not booked in advance they may fill to capacity. You are recommended to book hotels as soon as possible to ensure that you and your team will not have to commute from Cheyenne (which is the next closest city, a 50-minute drive to Laramie)
Parking Information
Trailer parking will be nearby on April 19th (the Rochelle Gateway center is near the stadium and includes ample parking for trucks and trailers). However, a short walk of 0.25 miles may be required. Trailer parking at hotels may be possible, please contact individual hotels for accommodation.