Mailers & Deadlines


● Receipt confirmation,
● Deadlines summary,
● Student chapter registration form,
● Tentative symposium schedule/plans,
● Competition rules and contacts, and
● Eligibility requirements for advancement to Society-wide competition finals.

● Tentative Symposium Schedule,
● Attendee Registration Form and Waivers,
● Deadlines Summary,
● Competition Rules and Contacts, and
● Eligibility requirements for advancement to Society-wide competition finals.

● Final Symposium Schedule,
● Reminder – Attendee Registration Form
● Maps,
● Safety Protocols
● Business Meeting
● Reminder – Eligibility requirements
● Thank you to your sponsors!

For the Society competitions, the Intent Forms are found in the rules.  For Steel Bridge, this form is on the website here: note that each competition has its own intent form and its own path to upload that form.  The link to where that form will go is at the top of each intent form.

Upcoming Deadlines (coming soon...)