Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University ASCE Student Chapter

The Mississippi State University Student Chapter of ASCE works to provide our members with up-to-date information in the field of Civil Engineering. By hosting bi-weekly meetings with presentations from various private, public and government sector representatives, we provide a forum for open discussion on current events and how they pertain the futures of the students.

In addition to these meetings, we participate in community service in and around the Starkville community. Whenever possible, we assist in engineering related events (Habitat for Humanity, environmental clean ups, etc.). These projects give us a chance to give back to the community around us.

A large portion of our year is spent preparing for and attending the ASCE Gulf Coast Student Symposium. Each year, we visit another school in our region and participate in engineering related competitions. Concrete Canoe, Student Steel Bridge, Surveying, Sustainable Solutions, technical paper, and mystery competitions are the most common events. These conferences also give us an opportunity to socialize and interact with other chapters in the region. Often times, professional engineers attend these conferences, providing valuable networking prospects.