
Schedule & Event Information

General Location Schedule:

Thursday (3/6): Rula Complex, MSU Main Campus

Friday (3/7) Day: Lake Tiak O’Khata, Louisville, MS

Friday (3/7) Night: Gridiron Club at Davis Wade Stadium, MSU Main Campus

Saturday (3/8) Day: Rula Complex, MSU Main Campus

Saturday (3/8) Night: Colvard Student Union Building 2nd Floor, MSU Main Campus

Special Notes on Specific Competitions

  • ASCE UESI Surveying Competition: Teams should plan to bring two plan sets (one set for presentations and one set for display).
  • ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition: Teams are encouraged to bring their own foam, pool noodles, duct tape (etc.) in case their canoe does not float during the swamp test.  Canoe races will commence after the swamp test.  There will be some time for teams to repair their canoes immediately after the swamp test, but there will likely be insufficient time to drive to a store to acquire materials and then repair the canoe.  Footwear is required to race in the canoe (see competition rules for more information).
  • AISC/ASCE Student Steel Bridge Competition: See the map on Page 6 and how to get a gated parking pass on Page 7 in this document to learn how to drop off your materials for the Steel Bridge Display event on March 6th.
  • Paper & Presentation Competition: Participating in this competition is required if any of your Society Competition Teams intend to participate in the ASCE Society-wide competition finals and SSBC National Finals.  We will have a computer, projector, and screen available for your presentation.  Please bring a flash drive that has your presentation saved on it (just in case).  We also plan (but cannot guarantee) to have a pointer clicker for you during your presentation.
  • Stormwater Competition: There will be two starting time slots available at 10 am and 1 pm.  You do not need to schedule a time slot beforehand.  Please have one of your team members bring a laptop that can run graphics well.
  • Buried Structure Competition: There will be three available starting time slots (8 am, 10 am, and 1 pm).  We will schedule your team for any one of these three time slots.  If your team plans to participate in this competition and does not have a compaction device, then please provide us advanced notice so we can accommodate your team.
  • Concrete Cornhole Competition: To create a slippery concrete cornhole surface, teams may use epoxy, seal coat wax, or other similar materials.  This is only to be applied after the concrete is cured.  Teams must state their Notice of Intent to participate in this competition at the Registration Desk on Thursday (3/6).
  • Transportation FE Speed Exam Competition: This competition is scheduled for Friday (3/7) in the morning before the canoe races begin.  While you are waiting, would you like to work on preparing yourself to ace the Transportation Engineering Section when you take the FE Exam?  Up to 3 undergraduate and graduate students from each representing university can participate.  All other competitions are reserved for undergraduates only (except for Water Resources and Environmental Engineering PE Team Exam Competition).
  • Civil Engineering Video Competition: We are planning to schedule this competition at 1-4 pm CDT on Saturday (3/8).  If your team has limited availability during that time, then message of your availability during that time block.
  • Water Resources and Environmental Engineering PE Team Exam: Up to 3 undergraduate and graduate students from each representing university can participate.  All other competitions are reserved for undergraduates only (except for Transportation FE Speed Exam Competition).
  • March Madness Free Throw: Up to 6 members per team allowed. Teams should plan to have one person identifying as he/his/him and one person identifying as she/hers/her participating in each game to qualify for 20 free throw attempts per game; otherwise, teams will only qualify for 10 free throw attempts per game.  Be sure to assign a team captain who signs up at the registration desk.
  • Starkvegas Ping Pong: If you are an undergraduate who is registered as a Student Attendee, then you are on the team!  Be sure to assign a team captain who signs up at the registration desk.
  • Starkvegas Foosball: If you are an undergraduate who is registered as a Student Attendee, then you are on the team!  Be sure to assign a team captain who signs up at the registration desk.
  • Mystery Fluid Mechanics Competition: This competition could take as little as 5 minutes to complete, assuming you know how to figure out the problem.  Be sure to assign a team captain who signs up at the registration desk.

Non-Competition Event Information

Registration: Thursday, March 6 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Rula Complex on 1st Floor (Volunteer and Registration Desks will be available most of the time throughout the symposium)

Volunteer: Thursday, March 6 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Rula Complex on 1st Floor (Volunteer and Registration Desks will be available most of the time throughout the symposium)

Licensure Boards table: Thursday, March 6 at 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Rula Complex (1st Floor)

ASCE Pop-Up Leadership Workshops:

  • The FE Exam and the Path to the PE (March 8, 8:00 am to 9:00 am, Rula 3080)
  • What Would You Do? Ethics & Professional Conduct (March 8, 9:00 am to 10:00 am, Rula 3080)
  • What is Your Personality Type? Understanding Each Other (March 8, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Rula 3030)

ASCE information table: Thursday, March 6 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Rula Complex (1st Floor) Stop by the table to learn more about ASCE.

Friday Networking Social Event: Friday, March 7 at 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Gridiron Club at Davis Wade Stadium (enter stadium through Gate G1)

Saturday Networking Social Event: Saturday, March 8 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Just Outside of Ballroom in the Student Union Building.

Awards Ceremony: Saturday, March 8 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Ballroom in the Student Union Building.

Dress Code for Friday Networking Event and Saturday Networking/Awards Ceremony: Business Casual