Company: ASCE
Format: In person
Presenter: Sanjay Tewari
Title: Leading Meetings
Description: This seminar series will be hosted by Dr. Sanjay Tewari. In this series “Nuts and Bolts of Running a Student Chapter” will be covered. Submitting Annual Reports and “Professional Skills You Need to Succeed” will be covered and how Networking that Works plays a role in it.
Presenter Bio: Dr. Sanjay Tewari is teaches and mentors students at Missouri University of Science & Technology as an Assistant Teaching Professor in the department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. He joined Missouri S&T in 2018. He earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Surat, India, M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M University.
Dr. Tewari has been awarded with multiple teaching awards and honors. He is involved with student-related activities of various professional organizations such as American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), and American Chemical Society (ACS). In addition, Dr. Tewari has a strong interest in engineering education-related activities. He enjoys teaching various core classes and mentoring students and student engineering societies as a faculty advisor. He is active in pedagogical and technical research. Most of Dr. Tewari’s teaching and research efforts are focused on environmental engineering and foundational civil engineering areas. Specifically, his focus is on drinking water quality and issues related to the treatment of wastewater. His recent efforts have been focused on a variety of separation processes such as physical, chemical, biological, and electrochemical. However, currently, he is more focused on capacitive deionization, electrokinetic, and electrocoagulation for improving water quality and better treatment of wastewater from industrial as well as municipal sources. In addition, his research focuses on sustainability and resiliency of various systems around us. Recently funded projects have been in the area of pollution prevention and sustainability, application of Geographic Information System to environmental management, and resiliency of infrastructure. Other than academics, Dr. Tewari is active in working for AARC Consultants and solve problems and challenges in the field of Risk and Resilience related to infrastructure around us.