Temporary Traffic Control


Nationally, two people are killed every day in workzones. To protect our workers, preparing and arranging Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) safely and accurately is important. TTC has three main objectives:

  • Safety – protect roadway users and workers
  • Mobility – maintain traffic flow and minimize adverse impacts associated with congestion, travel restrictions, and work activities
  • Constructability – complete the project on time within budget and meeting quality standards. 

Successful projects require a carefully considered balance of all three objectives. Standard plans shall be utilized to align with driver expectancy and provide continuity. Familiarity with your state’s TTC standards and teamwork skills will be vital when entering the industry as a Traffic Engineer.


Students are given a construction roadway project scenario at random. They will need to assemble TTC based on the given scenario and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Standard Plans.  It is a race with a twist… and students will be docked for noncompliance with FDOT standards and for putting their team at risk / not obeying safety precautions.


Student Teams of 4:

  • Engineer in Charge / Announcer (EIC)
  • Drafter (DT)
  • Field Construction Team, 2 students (CT)
  • Maximum of 1 graduate student is allowed to participate per team


FDOT Standard Plans 2023, See link below:


Temporary Traffic Control Sheets pages 55-100 of the PDF

Procedures and Logistics

The  scenario will indicate the following:

  • What type of roadway facility (e.g. two-lane roadway or multi-lane travel way)
  • Location of construction (e.g. eastbound shoulder within 2 feet of travel way)
  • Speed of roadway (e.g. 45 mph)
  • Time expectancy of construction (e.g. less than 60 minutes)
  • Channelization devices will consist of only cones
  • The actual roadways will be “scaled” for indoor play. Roadway travel lanes will be 1 foot in width and shoulders will be 0.5-feet in width. The entire travel way will be approximately 10-feet long. Stationing will be placed along the roadway in 1-foot intervals. Each station represents 100 feet. Each Team will be provided a “Safety Zone” to not interfere with the other Teams play. Please see the competition area diagram below.



  • The Team will be given a set time of 20 minutes to use FDOT Standards and draft the TTC.
  • Teams are encouraged to bring a calculator and paper. Teams may also bring their own FDOT standards and notes (printed or on an electronic device). Blank FDOT Standard Plans Packets will be provided for each Team.
  • A checklist for the channelization devices and signage will be provided to each team. An example of this checklist is attached.
  • Checklist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fo1BmeCsnWy5KKKl4Y654TnY1xmfYUX4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107851988243889680476&rtpof=true&sd=true
  • The EIC and DT will work together to prepare the TTC. The CT members of the team are not allowed to participate in the Initial Drafting portion of the competition.
  • The EIC and DT must complete the checklist following the appropriate FDOT Standard Plans and will be scored based on the accuracy.


  • The EIC must direct the CT team members to arrange the TTC as quickly and safely as possible. The DT may not participate in the TTC Setup. Teams will be given 30 minutes for TTC Setup.
  • The EIC will provide the completed checklist to the CT members. The CT members must then collect the appropriate signage and number of channelization devices, which will be located outside of the Safety Zone. Only the CT team may touch the signage and channelization devices. The CT team is allowed to collect the signage and channelization devices only ONCE. Points will be docked for extra equipment.
  • CT members may NOT look at the FDOT Standard Plans at anytime during TTC Setup; they rely solely on the verbal guidance of the EIC and the checklist.
  • The final TTC arrangement will be scored on accuracy to the checklist. 
  • Each team will be exposed to at least one hazard (e.g. an approaching vehicle). CT must react in the appropriate safe manner to receive full points.
  • Once the EIC is confident in the TTC setup, they must ensure the CT team is away from the roadway and alert the Judge to stop the clock.

Scoring and Judging

The team’s score will be determined by earning points in the DRAFTED PLANS and TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL (TTC) SETUP categories and then subtracting the time spent in the TTC SETUP from the score.  The team with the highest score will be the winner.

Evaluated to accuracy of FDOT Standard Plans
Correct FDOT Standard Chosen   200 points
Channelizing Device Spacing   200 points
Taper Length “L”   200 points
Work Zone Sign Spacing “X”   200 points
Buffer Length “B”   200 points
Subtotal 1     1000 points
Evaluated to accuracy of DRAFTED PLANS
Channelizing Device Spacing   200 points
Channelizing Device Location / Placement   200 points
Work Zone Sign Spacing   200 points
Work Zone Sign Location / Placement   200 points
Correct Signs Used   200 points
Subtotal 2     1000 points
Summation of Subtotals 1 and 2  
  2000 points (max)
TTC Time
To be subtracted from Summation of Subtotals
Time spent in TTC SETUP by team (in seconds)
  1800 points (max)
TOTAL (Summation of Subtotals – TTC Time): ______________


Competition FAQ


Comments (32)

  1. Ashley

    November 3, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    What day will this competition compete? Is it that same day as Rowing?

    • nbohaczyk

      November 3, 2022 at 6:56 pm

      This competition will be during the Friday of events, March 24th, at UNF.

  2. Edeylis

    December 23, 2022 at 6:29 pm

    Is something wrong with the link for the FDOT Standards? The page keeps sending an error.

  3. Nicolas

    January 7, 2023 at 11:07 pm

    Please i want to ask about the time of the competition in 24 march. It will be in the morning or after 12 pm?

    • nbohaczyk

      January 19, 2023 at 4:51 pm

      The TTC competition will be held from 8 AM through 4:30 PM. There will be up to three university teams competing at one time and will have one hour to complete the competition.

  4. Kate

    January 17, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    Where can we find the checklist for channelization devices and signage?

    • nbohaczyk

      January 19, 2023 at 4:48 pm

      Kate, the checklist will be provided on the day of the event. The checklist will simplify and standardize the responses. All teams should be familiar with how to determine traffic control spacing, number of cones, and types of signs.


    January 19, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Please I want to ask if this competition happened before? if Yes, please if there are any links for images or videos to see more about it.
    Another question, during the TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SETUP, the CT will put first the sign and cones as mentioned in the checklist then after this, will be exposed to at least one hazard (CT must react in the appropriate safe manner to receive full points), or the hazard is included from the beginning of the scenario?

    • nbohaczyk

      January 20, 2023 at 4:10 pm

      This competition was developed this year specifically for this symposium. There are no pictures of videos of it done previously. The hazard will be introduced randomly during the setting up stage – think what could happen in the “real world” when setting up traffic control in an active roadway.

  6. Ahlam

    February 2, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    Hi, concerning the checklist, the image of the sign will be presented or not? I mean the image or only the name of the sign will be on the checklist such as W5 3 B/0?

    • nbohaczyk

      February 7, 2023 at 3:33 pm

      Both the image and the sign name will be included on the checklist.

  7. Abraham

    February 9, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    Is the checklist separate from the rubric?

  8. Jessica

    February 9, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    kindly greet, I was wondering where the checklist is attached at. It says “a checklist for the channelization devices and signage will be provided to each team. An example of this checklist is attached.” Where can I find the checklist at?

  9. Ahlam

    February 10, 2023 at 3:00 am

    Hi I have some questions:
    1. what you mean by this: Stationing will be placed along the roadway in 1-foot intervals. Each station represents 100 feet?
    2- what is the size of cone and sign that will used in the competition?
    3- what is the size of hazard ?
    4-does the checklist have the draft draw so the CT will see the place of cone and sign from the checklist?
    thank you

    • nbohaczyk

      February 14, 2023 at 7:46 pm

      1. A station is the horizontal measurement along the centerline (sometimes called the baseline) of a project. Typically, the distance between two stations is 100 feet. For the sake of space, we are placing “station markers” (some tape on the ground) at 1-foot intervals. For scale, 1 foot = 100 feet. This is used when you are comparing the FDOT Standard Plan distances and scaling it down to the “roadway” on competition day.
      2. Cones and signs will be smaller than normal. We plan to use athletic training type cones for this exercise and provide miniature traffic signs.
      3. Hazard can be normal human sized!
      4. No, per the rules: “CT members may NOT look at the FDOT Standard Plans at anytime during TTC Setup; they rely solely on the verbal guidance of the EIC and the checklist.”

  10. Mouniba

    February 16, 2023 at 5:27 pm

    Please I want to ask these questions
    1- From the image provided, it seems that the road is two-way is it correct? or it can be one way?
    2- Concerning the number and spacing between cones, the FDOT Standard on page 55 mentioned that the max channelizing distance for cones is 25 for taper and 50 for the tangent which gives a high number of cones. Can you please clarify this? and can we use it for the number and spacing of cones in the “Guidance in MUTCD”?

  11. Ahlam

    February 16, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    1- it means that we will have in the 2 directions x-axis and y-axis 1-foot=100 feet?

  12. Nadia

    February 18, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    I have these questions please:
    1- the CT will have a tap meter or can bring a tap meter?
    2- For the scenario and the setup, (taking into consideration the distance 10 ft long of roadway), the team will not apply all the construction zone requirement just a part? for example just the buffer area or just the transition area? because 10 ft long roadway cannot handle all the construction zone including the signs and cones even that 1 feet=100 feet.
    3- the work area distance will be given?
    Thank you

    • nbohaczyk

      February 28, 2023 at 6:14 pm

      1. Yes you may bring a tap meter! This is recommended along with rulers. Materials will be provided if you do not have any
      2. Correct / good observation. The scenario given will fit in a 1000 foot long roadway (10 feet long, 100 foot stations). Students should replicate it to scale as indicated in the FDOT plans. Direct instructions to disregard a certain element will be given if necessary.
      3. Yes Work area width and length will be provided.

  13. Ashley

    February 25, 2023 at 1:58 pm

    It seems the standard plans got updated again and the link does not work. Will be be using the 22-23 plans or 23-24 plans?

    • nbohaczyk

      February 28, 2023 at 6:13 pm

      You will be using the 2022-2023 plans.

  14. Skylar

    March 2, 2023 at 7:37 pm

    Are we going to have to consider any intersection work, bicycle facility, or sidewalk closures for the competition?

    • nbohaczyk

      March 2, 2023 at 8:11 pm


  15. Jass

    March 17, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    Are we going to have to consider any railroad crossing buffer space, , TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANES, or TWO-WAYTEMPORARY DIVERSION Connection, temporary traffic signal, TEMPORARY LANE SHIFT TO SHOULDER WHEN WORK AREA ENCROACHES ON THE CENTERLINE for the competition?

    • nbohaczyk

      March 20, 2023 at 12:30 pm


  16. Kate

    March 20, 2023 at 2:37 pm

    Hi, I have a couple questions:
    1. Can we add extra info on the checklist that’s not asked? such as notes, distance between flaggers, taper length. etc
    2. The Drafter is given 20 min, if the Drafter finishes early, can CT go ahead and start?
    3. Does everyone on the team see the given scenario? Or just the Drafter?

    • nbohaczyk

      March 20, 2023 at 5:12 pm

      Yes you made add extra info to clarify, but you will only be scored from the answers in the checklist
      No, if the drafter finishes early the team may continue to discuss the design and come up with a game plan for placing items. However the “Race” portion of this competition will start exactly 20 minutes in for all teams.
      Everyone on the team will be able to listen to the given scenario. Once the race portion starts the team’s checklist and plans must stay with the Engineer in Charge (EIC). The EIC must direct the CT team with their voice to place the items. The CT may not take the plans / any papers onto the roadway, doing so will result in a safety violation (plus 10 seconds per occurrence)

  17. Ahlam

    March 20, 2023 at 11:47 pm

    1-part will be 20 minutes for the drafter and EIC. then after 20 min, the setup for all teams will start and the time will be counted ( 30 minutes maximum)?
    30 minutes of setup is different from the 20 minutes of EIC with the drafter. Is this correct?
    2- will the EIC be close to the CT during the setup or the EIC will be outside the safety zone?

    • nbohaczyk

      March 23, 2023 at 1:23 pm

      1. Correct
      2. EIC may stay in the safety zone. He may not enter the roadway – that will result in a safety violation. Only the CT may enter the roadway.

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