Please be aware that proof of vaccination is required for the Symposium. Attendees
should bring a photo ID to confirm vaccination for the person entering. Verification
records will NOT be retained by the event.
The entrance requirement can be met in one of the following ways:
In addition to the proof of vaccination, guests/non-affiliates are required to complete the Visitor Daily Symptom Survey and abide by California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance which requires individuals to wear a face-covering in indoor public settings and businesses. Attendees should also review the requirements for visitors coming to campus prior to attending the event.
Following the March 2, 2022 announcement from the university, masks are no longer required for most indoor settings. Masks will still be required for public transit and in clinical settings in accordance with the federal, state, and local guidelines. These changes will also apply to the symposium. We will not be mandating masks indoors, but we highly encourage and support any attendees who choose to wear a face covering.