Individual Registration

Individual Registration – ASCE Mid-Pacific Student Symposium

Individual Registration will be $125 per person due by February 15, 2025.  
Late registration fee will be $160 per person starting February 16, 2025.

All attendees (students, team members, faculty, judges, volunteers, leadership) must complete the individual registration form to compete/participate/attend/volunteer/hang out at the ASCE Mid-Pac Student Symposium. The Individual Registration Form contains important ASCE Liability Waiver information that must be completed by all individuals who compete/participate/attend/volunteer/hang out at the ASCE Mid-Pac Student Symposium.

Individual Registration Form – required
Individual Registration Form is due before February 15, 2025. Please see the registration form below.

The Individual Registration Form must be filled out by ALL individuals attending the symposium including chapter members, team competitors, chapter spectators, guest teams, faculty advisors, volunteers, judges, and ASCE Region Leadership. The Individual Registration Form contains liability waiver information required by ASCE that must be reviewed and acknowledged by every individual attending, participating, and/or spectating at the symposium

Individual Registration Payment – required
Individual Registration is $125 per person for students and faculty advisors/staff. Registration form and payment are due by February 15, 2025.  Payments made after February 15, 2025 will be $160 per person.

Online Payment:
Student Organization Name: Civil and Environmental Engineering Joint Fundraising Committee
● Reason for Payment: Program/ event registration ● If you are making a payment via online payment portal, please add the additional 3% surcharge to your total to help us cover the costs. ($125 * # of individuals) * (1.03) = total payment amount
● Please also email [email protected] your payment receipt (a screenshot will do) and the number of individuals per competition team your school is sending

Payment by check:
Make checks payable to ASUC – Civil and Environmental Engineering Joint Fundraising Committee.
ASUC c/o Civil and Environmental Engineering Joint Fundraising Committee
2515 ½ Durant Avenue, P.O. Box #4599
Berkeley, CA 94704