**For schools that attend MidPac competitions VIRTUALLY, please use the below webinar link or webinar ID to access the webinar for your presentation. ***
Please check Mailer III for your competition presentation time! If you have any questions, please reach out to your competition coordinator AASP!
Presentation Competitions | Webinar Link | Webinar ID |
Transportation | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93522567304?pwd=Vlcxa05DOEVlOEVpWktNY01vaUZWdz09 | |
Water Treatment | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93522567304?pwd=Vlcxa05DOEVlOEVpWktNY01vaUZWdz09 | |
GeoWall | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/92155483984 | |
Daniel W. Mead Paper | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/6899911888?pwd=SmhwSit0RGtqTndPTjg4VkFSb3FUUT09 | |
Concrete Canoe | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97444605342 | |
Sustainable Solution | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93510751118 | |
Banquet | https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/99536861748 |